Tag Archives: History

Leonardo Fibonacci and the Indo-Arabic mathematics of nature

Counting the petals of a flower in any of the botanical gardens in the Med-O-Med [...]

Al-Andalus: Multiculturalism, Tolerance and Convivencia

By Dr. Mohamed Chtatou 10/05/2021 Settled in the Iberian Peninsula since the eighth century, the [...]

The Crusades: between religion and politics, fiction and reality

The Crusades shaped the European Middle Ages, providing this chapter of History with an abundant [...]

Khadijah bint Khuwaylid: a woman who made a mark in history

Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (خديجة بنت خويلد ), the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, was [...]

The emergence of the Rihla or travel literature

“Travelling – it leaves you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller”, Ibn Battuta [...]

Andalusia, mon amour, part 2

This is the second part of Dr. Chtatou’s text on Al-Andalus, its history and development. [...]

Muslim women of Castile

Due to its gender identity and its religious option, the Muslim women of Castile were [...]

Uzbekistan, Pearl of the Eastern Muslim world

At the crack of dawn, bright summer sunshine basking the city of Tashkent — the [...]

The Spread of Islam in Ancient Africa

Article written by Mark Cartwright and originally published in Ancient.eu on May 2019. Following the conquest of [...]

Andalusia, mon amour, part 1

Al-Andalus in Andalusia Dr Mohamed Chtatou Andalusia is the seduction of Spain. It is believed [...]

Astonishing mosques in China

China has an ambiguous stance in regards to institutionalized faith. On the one hand, the [...]

Ibn ‘Arabi, the Andalusian Sufi Prince of Humility

Sufism designates the effort of internalization of the Qur’anic Revelation, the break with the purely [...]

Ibn al-Haytham and the rays of ligth

Ibn al-Haytham saw what no other scientist from the Greco-Roman era was able to see [...]

Amazigh Identity in Morocco and Algeria

The Amazighs are the oldest inhabitants of North Africa, a proof of that is their [...]

Happy Feast of Sacrifice 2020 / 1441

The real meaning of Aid al-Adha, or the sacrifice festivity, goes beyond the animal sacrifice, [...]

Khamsa, the hand of Fatima

The hand of Fatima has become one of the most common symbols to produce jewels, [...]

A tour through the maps of Madrid

In these days of “lockdown” for a common good, our colleague Daniel Gil-Benumeya, Scientific Coordinator [...]

The Moors of Majorca

When one thinks of the Balearic Islands, Spain’s rich Islamic history doesn’t come to mind [...]

Plague and poetry in the Middle East authors

Plague, pandemic and pestilence have long been themes for writers, historians and poets, from Giovanni [...]

All the lands were sea

Aramco World magazine reproduces an excerpt from the book All the Lands Were Sea, by [...]