Tag Archives: FUNCI

New steps in the knowledge and dissemination of Islamic Toledo

The Islamic Culture Foundation and the association Museo de Santa Cruz, ¡Vivo! sign a collaboration [...]

FUNCI signs an agreement with the Provincial Council of Albacete

On 9 April, the Provincial Council of Albacete, through its Institute of Albacete Studies ‘Don [...]

Islamic Madrid: heritage, identity, and the right to the city II

Urban itineraries Urban itineraries have been the main resource for the exploration, dissemination and valorisation [...]

Moriscos influence in Rabat and Salé in the 16th and 17th centuries

On 18 May, the Islamic Culture Foundation was invited to participate in the international conference [...]

Conclusions of the Congress on Islamic past of Toledo

On 30 November 2022, the Centre for Studies on Islamic Toledo (CETI), which belongs to [...]

Accédez au Programme du “Festival du patrimoine andalou de Rabat et Salé” Du 21 au [...]

Mayrit: from the University to an Erasmus project

During the month of May, the Center for the Study on Islamic Madrid (CEMI) has [...]

FUNCI receives the Doha international award

Last May 23rd and 24th, the Islamic Culture Foundation participated in the 14th Doha Conference [...]

The Center for the Study on Islamic Toledo signs an agreement with UCLM

The Islamic Culture Foundation has created the Center for the Study on Islamic Toledo (CETI). [...]

FUNCI expands its bibliographic base with the Benumeya Database

The Islamic Culture Foundation has just published the Benumeya Database of Bibliography on North Africa [...]

Susana Mangana joins FUNCI

This month we have a reason to celebrate. Professor and researcher Susana Mangana Porteiro has [...]

We celebrate the I Interdisciplinary Congress on the History and Memory of the Islamic Madrid

Last May 20th and 21st, we celebrated the I Interdisciplinary Congress on the History and [...]

FUNCI’s new collaboration agreements: networking and a training space

This last year, the Islamic Culture Foundation (FUNCI) has signed many collaboration agreements with international [...]

Eid Mubarak Said!

We wish you a happy end of Ramadan. We hope that this month has contributed [...]

We collaborate in the Comprehensive Strategy against Racism

Last November 26th, several civil society organizations, and among them, the Islamic Culture Foundation, participated [...]

We present the book homage to Julio Caro Baroja

Last Saturday June 1st took place the presentation of the book Not of the Letter [...]

Wishes for 2019

“Let truth triumph over lies” Cherif Abderrahman Jah

The Twistislamophobia contest has its winners!

After a month of contest, whose goal was to reflect different situations of islamophobia or [...]

Differences add up

This video, produced by the journalist Javier López-Astilleros, collaborator of the Islamic Culture Foundation, reflects on [...]

La conception de la nature et le paysage en Islam

Ce court métrage sur le réseau international de la FUNCI, Med-O-Med, réalisé à l’occasion du [...]