Category Archives: Communications

The exhibition “Gardens of Al-Andalus” in Kuwait

On April 8th opened the exhibition “Gardens of Al‑Andalus”. Its opening has had a very [...]

‘Gardens of Al-Andalus’ visits Kuwait

The exhibition ‘Gardens of Al-Andalus’ travels to Kuwait under the auspices of the Diwan Al-Amiri [...]

Lettre ouverte au monde musulman

“Cher monde musulman, je suis un de tes fils éloignés qui te regarde du dehors [...]

Descriptions of Agdal of Marrakech from History

For the comprehensive restoration of the royal estate Agdal of Marrakech, the team of FUNCI [...]

Give Islamic culture and solidarity

This Christmas, if you give our books as a present you will be contributing to [...]

FUNCI in Budapest, against Islamophobia

FUNCI participates in the seminar hold in Budapest this week, which is called Educational Responses [...]

Contributions of Islamic Civilisation to the European Culture

This international congress took place in Paris in 1991, at the UNESCO and the Institut [...]

Is Islamophobia a form of racism?

From the History of Al-Andalus to Fanon’s Zone of Being and Zone of Non Being, [...]

ما هو ميد وميد؟

 مؤسسة الثقافية الإسلامية مؤسسة ذات طابع ثقافي علمي، غير حكومية , غير ربحية , أسست [...]

ميدوميد شبكة الحدائق البستنية في البحر الأبيض المتوسط والشرق الأوسط

 يشكّل مشروع شبكة الحدائق البستنية في البحر الأبيض المتوسط والشرق الأوسط، الذي أعدته مؤسسة الثقافة الإسلاميةجزءا [...]

We condemn violence

At the Foundation, we firmly condemn the brutal repression that our palestinian brothers are suffering. [...]

كلمة السيد شريف عبد الرحمن جاه رئيس مؤسسة الثقافة الإسلامية حول معرض الحديقة الأندلسية

لا يَسْـتـَطيـعُ العالـَمُ اَلـيَـوْمَ أنْ يَـنـْـكُـرَ عَـظـَمَـة َ حَضارَةٍ جَلـَبـَـتِ النّـورَ إلى إسبانيا وَإلىَ أوْروبا [...]

Anniversary of the Andalusi garden of Rabat

Yesterday we celebrated the open doors dat at the Botanic Garden of Rabat, the opening [...]

In ramadan, assist palestinian refugees

During Ramadan, at FUNCI we want to endorse the call made by the Spanish Committee [...]

The Andalusian Garden of Rabat, inaugurated

It is a pleasure for us in FUNCI and Med-O-Med to announce that the Botanic [...]

FUNCI at the annual meeting of the Anna Lindh Foundation

The XIV meeting of the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) was held [...]

Our project in Lebanon, one year after

Just over a year ago, the Islamic Culture Foundation, along with the Municipality of Doueir [...]

The water in al-Andalus, in Andalusia and Toledo

In the last few weeks, we have been carrying out the tour of presentations and [...]

Declaration of the ALF on ‘Innocence of the Muslims’

FUNCI, as a member of Anna Lindh Foundation, alignes itself with the Declaration of the [...]

Moroccan young environmentalists at FUNCI Rabat

In February the 19th, the program Med-O-Med FUNCI was presented, in Rabat antenna, to a [...]