
The exhibition deals with diverse topics. Some of them are the scientific point of view of the water as unique element in nature, its symbolism in the main cultures of antiquity and its profound significance regarding the Koranic and spiritual vision.

The exhibition has been designed by Miguel Ripoll and displays photographs taken by Inés Eléxpuru and Carlos Martínez. It also shows the social perspective of water in al-Andalus and its contribution to development, since for the first time, its distribution was free and equitable.

Agua expo

We can also understand the different institutions in charge of providing and distributing the water. Furthermore, ancient hydraulic infrastructures are explained with graphic support. The exhibition also reminds us of the role of water in garden architecture as well as an agent responsible for the agricultural landscape transformation, which can still be seen in some regions of the Iberian Peninsula.

Finally, the interactive videos and 3D reconstructions of the main Andalusi gardens increase the value of this exhibition, which is expected to draw a large volume of many schools visits.