Public Garden in Algiers, Algeria (development)

Parc DounyaCreation of a leisure and educational garden, entitled Andalusian Garden of Spain, as a part of the environmental initiative involving the Dounya Park, located in the neighbourhood of Dely Ibrahim, Algiers. This project is supported by the Algerian Ministry of Environment and Landing Management and the Spanish Embassy in Algiers. It is sponsored by AECID (Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development).

The garden design is a contemporary reinterpretation of an Andalusian garden, in which the trees and plants are natives to the Mediterranean Region. It has been leaded by Teresa Gali, from Arquitectura i Agronomia office. It consists of a large promenade which goes through 7Ha of the land, surrounded by trees and bushes, a water channel and family gardens for the population living in the area.

Educational programmes

Parc DounyaThe architect Manuel Ocaña, is responsible for the environmental interpretation centre, aimed at raising awareness among the population. Educational programmes for schools and visitors and conservation of endangered flora will be implemented as a part of its activities.

Traditional and non-traditional environmentally friendly methods concerning sustainability such as water resources management or energy saving installations will be applied in the whole project.

In the future, various garden areas will be developed, based on the Islamic Culture and its proximity with Spain with scientific, pedagogical and recreational functions.